About Our Classes

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Website by Lenka Blaise:
© 2023 Accessible Yoga Sacramento

What is an Accessible Yoga Class?
An Accessible Yoga Sacramento Class is a place where you can be yourself and practice with an inclusive community. All humans are welcome! You are invited to practice from the mat or the chair or the wheelchair or the floor or the wall. Props are evenly distributed around the room to create accessibility and opportunity for ALL. Your practice may look different from your neighbor, and that is OK and encouraged! Your teacher is available to chat with you before and after class. We are volunteers here to serve you.
Free Class Every Sunday
Class is Free & By Donation 10:30-11:30am
every Sunday at Track 7 Brewing Co.
3747 W. Pacific Ave. Sacramento 95820
All Bodies, Abilities, Disabilities & Possibilities!
Lender mats, props and chairs available.
Wheelchair accessible. Accessible Parking.
$1.00 off beer after class! Thank you Track 7!
Also, Join Judy for Seated Yoga 10:30am every Tuesday at Pioneer Towers!
515 P St. Sacramento, CA 95814
Wheelchair Accessible / Near Bus & Light Rail